Multi-Medix Environmental and Sustainability Policy

Policy Statement

Multi-Medix recognises that its activities influence the local, regional and global environment, therefore it is committed to continuous improvement in the environmental performance, prevention of pollution, and sustainability.

Multi-Medix recognises these key impacts:

  • Our energy use.
  • The raw material procurement process.
  • Our waste generation onsite and remotely.
  • The emissions we produce that go to the atmosphere and potentially the water courses.
  • General water use.
  • Our vehicles use and transport policy.
  • General procurement of all products, equipment and suppliers.

Multi-Medix will strive to:

  • Embrace environmental standards in all areas of operation and to exceed relevant legislative requirements where reasonably practicable.
  • Minimise our waste through careful procurement and recycling processes.
  • Procure sustainable products wherever feasible [e.g. recycled, FSC or low environmental impact products and energy from renewable sources].
  • Only print emails when we need to make notes on them.
  • Re-use all our scrap printer paper for notepads and idea generation.
  • Send our clients electronic documents.
  • Avoid unnecessary car journeys by using web-conferencing to host virtual meetings.
  • Switch off computers and lights when not required.
  • Include environmental and ethical methods when deciding investment opportunities.
  • Co-ordinate transportation and delivery schedules to lower fuel consumption.
  • Continually monitor and assess the environmental impact of all our operations.
  • Walk, ride and surf, and enjoy the fresh air.

MMx-P-009, Vers 3, 25 July 2018