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Ultrasound QA
Ultrasound QA: How you do know if your ultrasound probe is defective?
Research shows that more than 1 in 3 Probes in clinical use are potentially defective1, and that basic checks as part of Ultrasound Quality Assurance can detect these and ensure patient safety.
“QA Everyday” is a comprehensive package of services that enables ultrasound users to begin and/or maintain a robust Ultrasound User Quality Assurance programme.
- Start your QA programme: Multi-Medix will set up the required system presets.
- Staff can do QA everyday: Multi-Medix trains and empowers ultrasound users to perform checks quickly and easily.
- Find a fault/need help? You access to the Multi-Medix technical support team, on hand to answer your questions.
- Objective and independent: Annual audit of your ultrasound systems is included.
Safety and quality is assured, patient scanning is maximised.
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Contact us today to learn more.
1Dudley N, Woolley D. A multicentre survey of the condition of ultrasound probes. Ultrasound 2016.