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Ultrasound Quality Assurance

Ultrasound Quality Assurance

Research shows that more than 1 in 3 Probes in clinical use are potentially defective1, and that basic checks as part of a Ultrasound Quality Assurance can detect these and ensure patient safety.

Supporting QCQ and ISAS requirements is an additional benefit of a Quality Assurance programme.

Multi-Medix is ready to assist and  offers a range of services to fit your needs and budget, including;

  • User QA Implementation
  • Annual Audit
  • Enhanced Annual QA

Contact us today to learn more.

About Multi-Medix

The Multi-Medix team are built on the foundations of NHS Clinical Scientists, Clinical Technologists, and experienced business leaders, who are passionate about quality, customer service, value for money, and patient safety.

For more information, visit

1Dudley N, Woolley D. A multicentre survey of the condition of ultrasound probes.  Ultrasound 2016.