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Ensuring Quality – ISO 13485:2016 Certification
Multi-Medix is proud to confirm that is it ISO 13485:2016 certified by BSI under certificate number MD 677953.
Quality and patient safety is always a priority, and our ISO 13485:2016 certification further demonstrates our ongoing commitment.
Ultrasound probes form a significant element in the ultrasound imaging chain, and we recommend that before you purchase or repair a probe, you fully understand the quality systems in place with your supplier, to ensure patient safety.
About Multi-Medix
The Multi-Medix team are built on the foundations of NHS Clinical Scientists, Clinical Technologists, and experienced business leaders, who are passionate about quality, customer service, value for money, and patient safety.
Multi-Medix are ISO 13485:2016 certified by BSI under certificate number MD 677953.
For more information, visit