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Did You Know 40% In-Use Probes are Impaired?

Transducers are the most sensitive and most often damaged link in the ultrasound image chain with reportedly potentially 40% being faulty according to the paper from Mattias Mårtensson, et al 2006,*

Regular Testing and Validation of probes is paramount for clinical efficacy and optimising uptime within ultrasound departments. Multi-Medix serves healthcare professionals with their needs for qualitative and repeatable evidence –based testing, ensuring patient safety and by providing a free Probe loan pool (fully indemnified) to minimise disruption and productivity.

* “High incidence of defective ultrasound transducers in use in routine clinical practice” from Oxford University Press Jan 2008 Mattias Mårtensson, Mats Olssen, Björn Segall, Reidar Winter, Lars- Ake Brodin 2006,”

About Multi-Medix

Multi-Medix is the independent choice for specialist diagnostic imaging ultrasound services.

In addition to Test and Validation Services, we offer access to probe loan pools, same day evaluations, independent cost effective repairs, and have exclusive UK access to Aureon ™.

To find more information about our services, visit